All programme types

There are various types of study in Germany, which differ in their structure and requirements. Each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for different students, depending on their personal circumstances and career goals.

Full-time studies

Part-time studies

Study in part-time at a private university

Studying in part-time is an alternative to full-time studies and offers the opportunity to study whilst working or having other commitments. It usually takes almost twice as long to complete as full-time studies, since students only spend a part of their time studying. It is ideal for students who are unable to focus on their studies in full-time.

To the part-time programmes

Extra-occupational studies

Co-operative/dual studies

Study in co-operation at a private university

Studying in co-operation is a practice-oriented form of study that combines training in a company with university studies. Students usually complete one to two days per week at the university and work the rest of the week in the company. Co-operative/dual studies offer the advantage that students gain direct practical experience and receive financial support from the company.

To the co-operative/dual programmes

Distance learning

Online studies

Study online at a private university

Online studies is a form of study in which students can work on their study content entirely via the Internet. In contrast to distance learning, the virtual lectures take place in class and at fixed times. Due to its spatial flexibility, online studies are particularly suitable for working people, family carers, people in remote areas and people with mobility restrictions.

To the online programmes

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