Reach your future students and process incoming applications more efficiently.

Get in touch with us!

Your tool for efficient marketing and admission management

Convince future students about your university

Convince future students about your university

with an attractive university profile and individual study programme profiles.

Freely customisable
You are absolutely free to design your profiles. Would you like to have even more design options such as text fields? No problem! Contact us.

Editable at any time
You can log in to your Compounder account and edit your profiles at any time.

Three good reasons for your university profile on Compounder

No hidden costs

No hidden costs

Our business model is 100% transparent.
Flexible process design

Flexible process design

We adapt to your application process and work out the best solution together.
Ongoing support

Ongoing support

Whether by mail, phone or chat—we are always available for you.

Our business models

For private universities

– Performance-based commission after enrolment;
– We would be happy to discuss the price with you in a non-binding meeting.

For public universities

– Performance-based billing: 100 qualified applications per package;
– We would be happy to discuss the price with you in a non-binding meeting.

Your university is still missing here

École de Management Appliqué
Academy for Cultural Diplomacy/Hochschule Furtwangen
accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg
AKAD University
Allensbach Hochschule
AMD Akademie Mode & Design
Arden Online University
Arden University Berlin
Athanor Akademie
BSBI Berlin School of Business and Innovation
Carl Remigius Medical School
CBS International Business School
Charlotte Fresenius Hochschule
Charlotte Fresenius Privatuniversität
DBU Digital Business University of Applied Sciences
Fachhochschule des BFI Wien
Ferdinand Porsche FERNFH
FHDW Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft
GBS Global Banking School
GBS Global Business School HE Malta
Gisma University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management
Hochschule Fresenius
Hochschule Macromedia
IC University of Applied Sciences – Amsterdam
International Management College
INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences
IST-Hochschule für Management
IU International University of Applied Sciences
IU Internationale Hochschule Duales Studium
IU Internationale Hochschule myStudium
Karlshochschule International University
MBS Munich Business School
Mediadesign Hochschule für Design und Informatik
MLA College
NBS Northern Business School
New European College
PFH Private Hochschule Göttingen
Provadis Hochschule
Schiller International University
Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Berlin
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
SRH Haarlem University of Applied Sciences
SRH Hochschule für Gesundheit
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
SRH Hochschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen
SRH Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule
Steinbeis University: Schools of Next Practices
Tomorrow University of Applied Sciences
UE University of Europe for Applied Sciences
VICTORIA International University of Applied Sciences
Wilhelm Büchner Hoch­schule
WINGS-Fernstudium an der Hochschule Wismar
XU Exponential University

This is what our customers say

‘At Compounder we only receive complete applications which already contain an evaluation proposal for our admissions office. This means that we can now process them much faster.’

Elisabeth Fröhlich
President CBS International Business School

‘What immediately convinced me about Compounder was that we, as a university, only pay a commission when an applicant actually enrols. So, the new applicant tool is not only an innovation for prospective students, but also a fair solution for educational institutions.’

Till Walther
Managing Director Northern Business School

You would like to know more about our services?

You need more information about our service? Download our information brochure now.

Download our information brochure.

Contact us now!

Are you interested in a profile on Compounder, do you have questions about our services or would you like some non-binding advice? Simply fill out the following contact form or contact us via email.

Paula Vorbeck, B.A. – Founder, Managing Director<br />
                Sales and partner management

Your contact

Paula Vorbeck
Chief Executive Officer, University Consultant


Information regarding how we deal with your personal data can be found here.

We are doing magic here—this could take a while!