You can study the programme B.A. Heilpädagogik at the following locations:
Description of the programme
Accompany, advise, support: The German Bachelor's study programme Heilpädagogik (B.A.) at the Hochschule Fresenius teaches you in six semesters the diverse areas of application, competences, and practical skills of curative educators. On a theoretical level, the programme enables you to take a scientific look at special education concepts and to critically examine the subject matter. On a practical level, we qualify you to accompany, advise, and support people with individual impairments and challenges. You will learn to focus on the opinions, wishes, and needs of your clients and to work together with them. Your team competence is equally important—because curative education work is mostly teamwork.
Contents: Your studies begin with the basics and combine the core areas of special education with interdisciplinary topics. You will deepen your knowledge of curative education theories and methods such as language support, motopedagogy, and art and design. You will learn medical basics such as anatomy, physiology, and neurology. Your curriculum also includes disciplines from the humanities, social sciences as well as psychology and sociology.
Why enrolling in this programme?
Theory and practice are closely linked in the bachelor's programme. You will carry out project work in the module Art and Design. Here you support a person by planning, implementing, and reflecting on a project together with them. In the fourth and fifth semesters, you will get to know everyday professional life through a work placement with children and young people and another work placement with adults.
With this successful bachelor's degree, you also acquire state recognition as a special needs teacher. This means that potential employers know that you are not only academically qualified, but have also acquired practical skills. State-recognised special educators use their skills as part of inclusion-promoting competence teams in diverse areas of work. These include:
– Decentralised, inpatient and alternative forms of housing;
– Counselling centres for early detection and early intervention;
– Special education practices, clinics, and rehabilitation clinics;
– Day care centres;
– Educational and leisure facilities;
– Senior citizens' meeting places, residential facilities, and intergenerational services;
– Outpatient social services, curative family support, specialised services, and counselling centres;
– Psycho-social services for housing, counselling, and support for people with mental disorders;
– Schools, colleges, and universities.
Accreditations & awards
All study programmes at the Hochschule Fresenius are accredited before they start for the first time and then regularly checked for conformity with the regulations. This ensures that they meet the quality standards of the Accreditation Council Foundation. The accreditation system in Germany provides for higher education institutions to have either individual study programmes (so-called programme accreditation) or the internal quality assurance system of the higher education institution (so-called system accreditation) accredited. The FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) accreditation of the study programmes of the Hochschule Fresenius guarantees the equivalence of corresponding study and examination achievements as well as degrees and enables student mobility within the scope of German law and the Lisbon Convention. Studying at the Hochschule Fresenius guarantees you a degree that meets all the requirements of the German accreditation system and the quality standards in the European Higher Education Area.