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Description of the programme
The study programme opens up good career opportunities for you with numerous different employers.
Are you enthusiastic about IT and criminology? Whether hacker attacks, burglaries, or murder—due to technological progress, digitalisation and the accompanying global networking, the challenges in criminology and forensics have increased. The German study programme Analytical & Digital Forensics (B.Sc.) addresses this complexity by combining analytical with digital forensics and providing you with comprehensive knowledge in natural sciences and computer science. In small learning groups and in close exchange with the lecturers, you will work on central questions of forensics. How do you secure digital traces? When does forensic image processing help? What is behind analytical forensics?
Natural sciences, forensics, digital: In six semesters you will acquire extensive methodological expertise, gain important key competences, and learn to think analytically. You immerse yourself in the core areas of Analytical & Digital Forensics (B.Sc.). You deal with forensic analytics and supply chains in the life and biosciences. Your curriculum includes digital modules such as programming, IT security, databases, and information systems. Digital forensics, critical infrastructures, and forensic hypothesis generation are topics that you will study in depth in the forensics module group.
Why enrolling in this programme?
Off to practice: In the German bachelor's programme Analytical & Digital Forensics (B.Sc.) at the Hochschule Fresensius in Idstein, you get right into practice. This is ensured by our laboratories, where you can immediately put your course material into practice. You will gain further practical experience through various practical modules and, depending on the topic, also through your final thesis, which you can complete with one of our co-operation partners from the field. Our network includes many companies and research institutes that are dedicated to topics such as digital data analysis or trace analysis.
Broadly networked competencies: The combination of comprehensive theory and broad practice prepares you perfectly for challenging tasks. Specialists in analytical and digital forensics have complex knowledge. They know their way around both the real and the digital world. They are masters of modern analytics—from the right question to data collection, processing, and analysis to the interpretation of the results. In interdisciplinary teams, they get to the bottom of cybercrime and apply the entire repertoire of analytical and digital methods.
Accreditations & awards
All study programmes at the Hochschule Fresenius are accredited before they start for the first time and then regularly checked for conformity with the regulations. This ensures that they meet the quality standards of the Accreditation Council Foundation. The accreditation system in Germany provides for higher education institutions to have either individual study programmes (so-called programme accreditation) or the internal quality assurance system of the higher education institution (so-called system accreditation) accredited. The FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) accreditation of the study programmes of the Hochschule Fresenius guarantees the equivalence of corresponding study and examination achievements as well as degrees and enables student mobility within the scope of German law and the Lisbon Convention. Studying at the Hochschule Fresenius guarantees you a degree that meets all the requirements of the German accreditation system and the quality standards in the European Higher Education Area.