You can study the programme B.A. Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie at the following locations:
Description of the programme
Would you like to get to know psychology in interaction with work and organisational structures? Especially against the backdrop of the prevailing dynamics and complexity, you would like to advise on challenges in companies and the professional world - regardless of whether this involves topics of personnel selection, stress or employee motivation? You want to understand how human behaviour is structured and organised in corporate work processes? Our A&O B.A. prepares you in the best possible way for the challenges in companies and in the professional world and makes you a sought-after expert.
The Bachelor's programme provides the basis for acting as a specialist in various companies in a wide range of professional fields. The focus is on psychology as a factor influencing work processes - both from an organisational and an individual perspective. You learn theoretically and practically how to sustainably optimise work structures according to the principles of business psychology, how to increase the effectiveness of staff and how to reflect on internal company processes.
Why enrolling in this programme?
After graduating, you have a wide range of career opportunities. For example, you are involved in the selection of suitable employees or support managers in the design of work. You are responsible for motivating employees and support the planning of large projects. After your studies, you will also have expertise in the area of technical and management coaching. You advise the company management on important strategic issues and thus bridge the gap between people and the company. You know that people are the company's most important resource and raise awareness of this.
Your perspectives in detail
Possible job areas for you are:
Human resources development
Recruitment and selection
Organisational development and change management
Management development
Training and coaching
Further education management
Work analysis, assessment and design
Workplace health promotion
Personnel and management consulting
Accreditations & awards
The SRH Hochschule in North Rhine-Westphalia has been system-accredited since September first, 2021 and bears the quality seal of the Accreditation Council. This certifies that the university has the highest standards in studying and teaching—students have the guarantee that planning, teaching and assessment are carried out according to certified processes. As a system-accredited university, the SRH Hochschule in North Rhine-Westphalia is entitled to accredit its study programmes independently and with the audited quality management processes. This procedure replaces the previously common programme accreditation.
Institutionally accredited
In 2013, the university received the seal of approval from Germany's highest scientific body, the Science Council. With the accreditation, the Council ensures the quality of research and teaching and checks whether they meet recognised standards. Among other things, the Science Council praises the high level of identification of the teaching staff with the university and the pronounced commitment to teaching and student support. The SRH Hochschule in NRW was institutionally reaccredited in 2018. In its vote, the Science Council emphasises the positive development of the university. It also confirms that the university is valued as a co-operation partner in the region by companies and institutions in the social sector.
Award for the teaching and learning model CORE
In 2018, the Stifterverband recognised the CORE teaching and learning model with the Genius Loci Award, the only institutional award for excellent teaching in Germany. With the CORE principle (Competence Oriented Research and Education), SRH created a unique teaching and learning model in 2012 based on scientific findings from learning and brain research.