Description of the programme
During our distance learning Master programme in Supply Chain Management, you will learn to plan, control, and manage new ones, to analyse existing business and IT processes. You will acquire the subject-specific expertise required for a process-oriented approach to global value creation chains as well as important personal skills. Our programme is designed so that it can be completed while you continue as an employer.
The Master in Supply Chain Management focuses on logistical information systems in and for logistics-relevant industry sectors in manufacturing, retail, management, logistical processes and the logistics service market. The distance learning programme places particular emphasis on four main specializations:
Business and Management
Supply Chain Management (Global Logistics)
Information Systems (especially ERP and SCM)
Personal Competencies/Soft Skills
Why enrolling in this programme?
Analysis of the labour market has shown that there is high demand for qualified supply chain managers in industrial, retail, consulting, and software enterprises and by logistics service providers.
The key to remaining competitive is in the integration of individual elements. This is where Supply Chain Management plays a crucial role. Supply chain managers manage this integration by designing holistic, integral processes and embedding these in information systems.
Our distance learning Master builds on your existing knowledge and skills, while you continue to remain active professionally. The highly relevant and timely course content is designed to allow you to enhance your professional and personal development and to strengthen your professional qualifications. You are then able to tailor your own individual profile.
The Master course allows you to gain scientifically based expertise that will equip you to take on the overall design and management of local and global supply chains. Companies are always on the lookout for highly qualified professionals, able to identify and seize opportunities in value and supply chains, while minimizing the risks. Of course, in addition to a career in the professional world of supply chain management, our Master’s programme enables you to aim for a doctorate.
Accreditations & awards
The SRH Hochschule in North Rhine-Westphalia has been system-accredited since September first, 2021 and bears the quality seal of the Accreditation Council. This certifies that the university has the highest standards in studying and teaching—students have the guarantee that planning, teaching and assessment are carried out according to certified processes. As a system-accredited university, the SRH Hochschule in North Rhine-Westphalia is entitled to accredit its study programmes independently and with the audited quality management processes. This procedure replaces the previously common programme accreditation.
Institutionally accredited
In 2013, the university received the seal of approval from Germany's highest scientific body, the Science Council. With the accreditation, the Council ensures the quality of research and teaching and checks whether they meet recognised standards. Among other things, the Science Council praises the high level of identification of the teaching staff with the university and the pronounced commitment to teaching and student support. The SRH Hochschule in NRW was institutionally reaccredited in 2018. In its vote, the Science Council emphasises the positive development of the university. It also confirms that the university is valued as a co-operation partner in the region by companies and institutions in the social sector.
Award for the teaching and learning model CORE
In 2018, the Stifterverband recognised the CORE teaching and learning model with the Genius Loci Award, the only institutional award for excellent teaching in Germany. With the CORE principle (Competence Oriented Research and Education), SRH created a unique teaching and learning model in 2012 based on scientific findings from learning and brain research.