You can study the programme B.A. International Business – Human Resources Management & Psychology at the following locations:
Description of the programme
The bilingual Bachelor's programme International Business (B.A.) – Human Resources Management & Psychology combines a sound business education with up to three foreign languages and comprehensive knowledge of your major. Your major in Human Resources Management & Psychology takes up about one third of your study time. You will first receive a sound introduction to psychology and then deal with industrial and organisational psychology. Building on this knowledge, you will deal with the legal foundations of personnel work, clarify important personnel issues in work organisations, and acquire important knowledge in personnel marketing and recruiting as well as in digital personnel management.
Close to everyday working life: The bilingual bachelor's programme prepares you early on for your future professional field. Our lecturers are experienced in the field and provide a current and concrete reference to practice in their courses. We also offer regular business excursions. You gain practical experience through
– An empirical research project (in the third semester);
– A practical project in which you work with a company on a current task (in the fifth semester);
– The development of a start-up idea to the point of a business plan; and
– An optional internship semester (possibly abroad).
Why enrolling in this programme?
Another focus is on your communication skills. In addition to English as a compulsory foreign language, you can take up to two other languages. This means you are optimally trained for a successful career in international business.
Communication for business: If you want to be successful in international business, you have to communicate confidently with customers, business partners, and colleagues from other countries—most definitely in English, ideally in other languages. English is therefore a compulsory foreign language in the bilingual bachelor's programme International Business (B.A.) at the Hochschule Fresenius. Optionally, you can take Spanish as a second language and French, Chinese, or Arabic as a third language.
Study individually: In the fifth semester, the focus is on your individual interests and career aspirations: you take an elective specialisation. Do you want to specialise in Human Resources Management & Psychology? Or are you interested in exploring content from other study disciplines? There are around twenty compulsory elective modules to choose from.
Accreditations & awards
All study programmes at the Hochschule Fresenius are accredited before they start for the first time and then regularly checked for conformity with the regulations. This ensures that they meet the quality standards of the Accreditation Council Foundation. The accreditation system in Germany provides for higher education institutions to have either individual study programmes (so-called programme accreditation) or the internal quality assurance system of the higher education institution (so-called system accreditation) accredited. The FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) accreditation of the study programmes of the Hochschule Fresenius guarantees the equivalence of corresponding study and examination achievements as well as degrees and enables student mobility within the scope of German law and the Lisbon Convention. Studying at the Hochschule Fresenius guarantees you a degree that meets all the requirements of the German accreditation system and the quality standards in the European Higher Education Area.